Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
लक्ष्य के हो ?
सडकको नेतृत्वले लक्ष्यलाई गन्तव्यमा लैजान सक्दैन, यो त्यसको एउटा अंश मात्र हो । - चार्लिस डेलिन्ट
सपनालाई सत्यमा बदल्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने उठ्ने काम पहिलो हो भन्ने बुझ्नुस् । - जेएम पावर
महान् लक्ष्यले ल्यान्डि गर्ने पांग्राका साथै गेयर पनि खोज्छ । - सिडी ज्याक्सन
False Christian teaching in Akwa Ibom
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Speech of Ram Bahadur Bambjam - so called 'Buddha Boy????' in Nepali
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Comparision: Before & After
Before Marriage...
Girl: Darling !
Boy: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
Girl: Do you want me to leave?
Boy: NO! Don"t even think about it.
Girl: Do you love me?
Boy: Of course! Over and over!
Girl: Have you ever cheated on me?
Boy: NO! Why are you even asking?
Girl: Will you kiss me?
Boy: Every chance I get!
Girl: Will you hit me?
Boy: Are you crazy! I"m not that kind of person!
Girl: Can I trust you?
Boy: Yes.
Girl: Darling!
After marriage...
Read from Bottom...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Some Doubts
1. When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? (to be given a thought)
2. If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of that stuff? (very good thinking)
3. Who copyrighted the copyright symbol? (who knows)
4. Can you cry under water? (let me try)
5. Why do people say, "you've been working like a dog" when dogs just sit around all day? (I think they meant something else)
6. Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed? (God knows)
7. Do fish ever get thirsty? (let me ask and tell)
8. Can you get cornered in a round room? (by ones eyes)
9. Why do birds not fall out of trees when they sleep? (tonight I will stay and watch)
10. If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oils made from Vegetables, then what is baby oil made from? (No comments)
11. What should one call a male ladybird? (No comments)
12. If a person suffered from amnesia and then was cured would they remember that they forgot? (can somebody help )
13. Can you blow a balloon up under water? (yes u can)
14. Why is it called a "building" when it is already built? (strange isn't it)
15. If you were traveling at the speed of sound and you turned on your radio would you be Able to hear it? (got to think scientifically)
16. If you're traveling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, what happens?
17. Why is it called a TV set when there's only one? (very nice)
18. Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can't go that fast on any road?
19. If drink & drive is not allowed why the hell they have parking in Bars?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
THE Eyes
" They blink together,
move together,
cry together,
see together and sleep together".
STILL they never see directly each other.
But when they see a girl, one will blink and another will not.
Moral of the story: "Girls can break any kind of relationships"
Thursday, October 30, 2008
For everyone who has to work with THE PUBLIC.......
Operator: "Where did you get that number from, sir?"
Customer: "It was on the door to the Travel Centre"
Operator: "Sir, they are our opening hours".
Samsung Electronics
Caller: "Can you give me the telephone number for Jack?"
Operator: "I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand who you are talking about".
Caller: "On page 1, section 5, of the user guide it clearly states that I need to unplug the fax machine from the AC wall socket and telephone Jack before cleaning. Now, can you give me the number for Jack?"
Operator: "I think you mean the telephone point on the wall".
RAC Motoring Services
Caller: "Does your European Breakdown Policy cover me when I am travelling in Australia?"
Operator: Doesn't the product give you a clue?
Caller (enquiring about legal requirements while travelling in France):
"If I register my car in France, do I have to change the steering wheel
to the other side of the car?"
Directory Enquiries
Caller: "I'd like the number of the Argoed Fish Bar in Cardiff please".
Operator: "I'm sorry, there's no listing. Is the spelling correct?"
Caller: "Well, it used to be called the Bargoed Fish Bar but the 'B' fell off".
Then there was the caller who asked for a knitwear company in Woven.
Operator: "Woven? Are you sure?"
Caller: "Yes. That's what it says on the label; Woven in Scotland".
On another occasion, a man making heavy breathing sounds from a phone box told a worried operator: "I haven't got a pen, so I'm steaming up the window to write the number on".
Computer Capers
Tech Support: "I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop".
Customer: "OK".
Tech Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?"
Customer: "No".
Tech Support: "OK. Right-Click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?"
Customer: "No".
Tech Support: "OK, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?"
Customer: "Sure. You told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'".
Tech Support: "OK. In the bottom left hand side of the screen, can you
see the 'OK' button displayed?"
Customer: "Wow. How can you see my screen from there?"
Caller: "I deleted a file from my PC last week and I have just realised
that I need it. If I turn my system clock back two weeks will I have my
file back again?"
There's always one. This has got to be one of the funniest things in a long time. I think this guy should have been promoted, not fired. This is a true story from the Word Perfect Helpline, which was transcribed from a recording monitoring the customer care department. Needless to say the Help Desk employee was fired; however, he/she is currently suing the Word Perfect organization for "Termination without Cause".
Actual dialogue of a former WordPerfect Customer Support employee. (Now
I know why they record these conversations!):
Operator: "Ridge Hall, computer assistance; may I help you?"
Caller: "Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect."
Operator: "What sort of trouble??"
Caller: "Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away."
Operator: "Went away?"
Caller: "They disappeared."
Operator: "Hmm. So what does your screen look like now?"
Caller: "Nothing."
Operator: "Nothing??"
Caller: "It's blank; it won't accept anything when I type."
Operator: "Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out??"
Caller: "How do I tell?"
Operator: "Can you see the C: prompt on the screen??"
Caller: "What's a sea-prompt?"
Operator: "Never mind, can you move your cursor around the screen?"
Caller: "There isn't any cursor: I told you, it won't accept anything I type."
Operator: "Does your monitor have a power indicator??"
Caller: "What's a monitor?"
Operator: "It's the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV.
Does it have a little light that tells you when it's on??"
Caller: "I don't know."
Operator: "Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find where the power cord goes into it. Can you see that??"
Caller: "Yes, I think so."
Operator: "Great. Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if it's plugged into the wall.
Caller: "Yes, it is."
Operator: "When you were behind the monitor, did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it, not just one??"
Caller: "No."
Operator: "Well, there are. I need you to look back there again and find the other cable."
Caller: "Okay, here it is."
Operator: "Follow it for me, and tell me if it's plugged securely into the back of your computer."
Caller: "I can't reach."
Operator: "Uh huh. Well, can you see if it is??"
Caller: "No."
Operator: "Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean way over??"
Caller: "Oh, it's not because I don't have the right angle - it's because it's dark."
Operator: "Dark??"
Caller: "Yes - the office light is off, and the only light I have is coming in from the window."
Operator: "Well, turn on the office light then."
Caller: "I can't."
Operator: "No? Why not??"
Caller: "Because there's a power failure."
Operator: "A power... A power failure? Aha, Okay, we've got it licked now. Do you still have the boxes and manuals and packing stuff your computer came in??"
Caller: "Well, yes, I keep them in the closet."
Operator: "Good. Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it up just like it was when you got it. Then take it back to the store you bought it from."
Caller: "Really? Is it that bad?"
Operator: "Yes, I'm afraid it is."
Caller: "Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them??"
Operator: "Tell them you're too stupid to own a computer"
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Korean Folk Village, Gyeonggi in 2004 Fall
Field Trip by GSIS in Korean Flock Village, Korea
Thakur, Srijana and Me
Samundra, Chiran, Me and Srijana
Korean traditional performance by Korean performer
Awesome performance I haven't seen before in my life before.
Sangram, Sudeep, Me, Srijana, Chiran, Divendar (from left to right standing),
Thakur, Suraj, Samundra (from left to right sitting)
शुभ दिपावलीको शुभकामना
"तिमी चढने गाडी पल्टोस, पढाईमा फेल होस, जागिर पनि छुटोस, प्रेममा विछोड होस, ज्यान सुकेर लठी जस्तो होस, मनमा अशान्ती होस, खाने कुरामा झिगा परोस, दुबै आखा फुटोस, चिताएको कहिले पुरानहोस, भनेर सोच्ने तिम्रो शत्रुहरूको सत्यानाश होस, अनि तिमीलाई कहिले पनि दु:ख नहोस, दिपावलीको शुभकामना"
शुभ दिपावलीको पावन अवसरमा शुस्वास्थ, दीर्घायु, एवं उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना |
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Useful Things to Know About Ph. D. Thesis Research
1. Introduction
2. Why Ph.D. thesis could be really difficult for a student
3. Types of Ph.D. theses (from Allen Newell)--not a topic of this talk
4. Growth of a star (the transformation process that some students go through to become a mature researcher)--which stage are you in?
5. Stages of Ph.D. thesis research
6. Methods to get into the depth of a topic (or how to come up with good ideas)
7. Breaking myths
8. Pitfalls to avoid (easy ones to avoid listed first)
9. Some other general advice
10. All the effort is worth it (believe it or not)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I like this, so I pasted it here....
Academic Excellence
"The idea flow from the human spirit is absolutely unlimited. All you have to do is tap into that wall. I don't like to use the word efficiency. It's creativity. It's a belief that every person counts. What counts is what you deliver...By reaching for the seemingly impossible, you often do the impossible."
- Jack Welch.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Dashain news published in different online media
Our Video
Dashain in Yeungnam University, South Korea
We celebrated Dashain festival as in Nepal. We specially ordered goat meat and organized BBQ party on Saturday.
Korean friends also joined our BBQ party. As they have never tried goat meat before, they enjoyed a lot.
Looks yummy...... Khasi ko BBQ
Obviously, Antakshyari after drinking.
Jamara and Tika
Group photo after Tika
Photo with family
Picnic after Tika and Jamara
Why not Ping, it is Dashain festival
Finally, I won 6000KW in marriage (card game). What a great Dashain. More Dashain in one Dashain.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A Very Happy Bijaya Dashami Belated
Vijaya Dashami wishes I received in email.
Buddha Ko Gyan, Karna Ko Daan
Sakuni Ko Pasa, Bidur Ko Kutnitik Bhasa
Bhishma Ko Pratigya, Haris Chandra Ko Satyata
Arjun Ko Nissana, Kuber Ko Khajana
Arniko Ko Chitra, Laxmi Prasad Ko Sahitya
Ganga Lal Ko Deshprem, Muna-Madan Ko Amarprem Rajnikant Ko Style, Madhubala Ko Smile
Govinda Ko Comedy, Dilip Kumar Ko Tragedy
Amitabh Ko Kalaa, Lata Ko Galaa
Michel Jackson Ko Pop, Shekhar Suman Ko Guff BMW Ko Car, Diamond Ko Haar
Daler Ko Bhangra, Singha Durbar Jasto Bangla
World Tour Ko Ticket, Dollar Variyeko Wallet
Ani sath sathai dherai dherai
maya, prem, sneha, pyar, ishq, mohobbat, love pani prapta hosh... !!
Wish you and your family “A Very Happy Bijaya Dashami”
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Nigerian scam, 419 fraud and Nigerian fee fraud
I don't know how Nigerian fraud (419 fraud) people got my email address. I have been getting fraud letters since long time. I never believed in such stupid hoaxes. But sometimes, some of my friends ask me about the email they receive about the awesome money they won in a lottery or some very attractive job offer etc. I usually get at least 3 such fraud emails everyday. I am publishing those emails here....
Fraud Letter Series I.
Today's Fraud Letter #1.
From: Larry Williams
Subject: Immediate ATM DEBIT Cash Card Payment Notification
From the desk of: Dr. Larry Williams
International settlement Dept.
Oceanic Bank International Plc
Attn: Beneficiary, Re:Immediate ATM DEBIT Cash Card Payment Notification Your Name And Your Contact Details Was Given To This Office In Respect Of Your Total lnherited/Contract Sum Owed To You Which You Have Failed To Claim Because Of Either Non-Compliance Of Official Processes Or Because Of Your Unbelief Of The Reality Of Your Genuine Payment.
We wish to bring to you the solution to this problem. Right now we have arranged your payment through our Swift Card Payment Centers, That is the latest instruction from President, Alhaji Musa Umar Yar-Adua (GCFR) Federal Republic Of Nigeria. We at the Oceanic Bank International Plc are willing to give you the best of our service so long as you are ready to comply with our working instructions as mandated. This Card Center Will Send To You An ATM DEBIT Card Which You Will Use To Withdraw Your Money In Any ATM Machine In Any Part Of The World, So If You Like to receive your funds in this Way, Please Let Us Know By contacting us back and also send the following information as listed below:
1. Full Name
2. Phone And Fax Number
3. Address Were You Want Them To Send The ATM Card To (P.O Box Not Acceptable)
4. Your Age And Current Occupation 5. Attach Copy Of Your Identification
We have been mandated by the rulling body to issue out $3.7 Million as part payment for this fiscal year 2008. Also for your information, You have to stop any further communication with any other person (s) Or Office(s) To avoid any hitches in receiving your payment.
Note That Because Of Impostors, We Hereby Issued You Our Code Of Conduct, Which Is (ATMC-202) So You Have To Indicate This Code When Contacting The Card Center By Using It As Your Subject.
Waiting For Your Expedite Response.
Yours In Service,
Dr. Larry Williams
International settlement Dept.
Oceanic Bank International Plc
Lagos Nigeria
Today's Fraud Letter #2:
From: "Mutus Yevic"
To: mutusyevic1@web.de
Dear Respectful One,
I know that you will be surprised to receive this mail from me since you don't know me in person. I am Yevic Mutus . The only son of late Dr. Martins Yevic, from Zimbabwe who was recently murdered in political land dispute in Zimbabwe. And my mother died when I was still a baby, his death has now made me an orphan and now exposed to danger.
My late father was among the few black Zimbabwean rich farmers murdered in cold blood by the agent of the ruling government of President Robert Mugabe for his alleged support and sympathy for Zimbabwe supporters of main opposition party (movement for democratic change) (M.D.C). Before the death of my father, he deposited the sum of ($15,000,000) Fif teen million United State Dollars, in one of the prime Bank here in Ivory Coast, for establishment of new farms before his sudden death, Since the death of my father, my uncles have sent me out of the house and collected most of my late fathers landed properties in Inyanga Zimbabwe, except this money that they do not know about.
I am presently taking shelter and refugee in a camp here in Ivory Coast. My late father told me before his death that, he used my name as his only son as his next of kin to the deposited money and in case he fails to make it that I should take care of myself, And get someone to help me invest this money. I have all the legal documents with me here.
The money was marked out for the purchasing of new machines and chemicals for the establishment of new farms Abroad, This Land problem arose when President Robert Mugabe introduced a new land act which mostly affects the white rich farmers and some few blacks, my father an d his group vehemently condemned the new act adopted by the ruling government. This resulted killing of opposition farmers. I'm presently staying here in Ivory Coast as a refugee.
I am 18 of age and have decided to transfer this money to a foreign country where it can be invested safely and wisely. I was faced with the dilemma of investing this amount of money in Ivory Coast for fear of encountering the same experience in future since this country is facing some political crisis. I must let you know that this transaction is 100% risk free.
And have agreed to offer you 20% of the total money, and 80% will be for investment project. Therefore if you are willing to assist me, endeavor to reply through my private email .I also need your private telephone numbers for easy communication.
Remember that this is highly confidential. Expecting your reply soonest through this E-mail address (mutusyevic@yahoo.fr) for more details..
Best regards,
Yevic Mutus
Fraud Letter #3:
From: Mr.Mona Al Rashdi [mailto:monaalrashdi@earthlink.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 7:47 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Greetings from Dubai
Private email: monaalrashdi@rediffmail.com
Greetings from Dubai,
This letter must come to you as a surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. I am Mr.Mona Al Rashdi , currently Head of Coporate affairs with a reputable bank here in U. A. E. I write you this proposal in good faith, believing that I can trust you with the information I am about to reveal to you. I have an urgent and very confidential business proposition for you.
On November 6, 2000, an Iraqi Foreign Oil consultant/contractor with the CHEVRON PETROLEUM CORPORATION, Mr.Jack Farrer Powell made a (Fixed deposit) for 36 calendar months, valued at US$12,000,000.00 (Twelve Million United State Dollars only) in my bank and I happen to be his account officer before I was moved to my present position recently.
Upon maturity in 2003,as his account officer and as well the bank manger, it is my duty to notify him on the maturity date so I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but the letter was returned undelivered. After sometime, I tried sending back the letter,but it was again returned and finally I discovered from his contract employers, Chevron Petroleum Corporation that Mr.jack farrer powell died as a result of torture in the hand of Saddam Hussein (former Iraqi President) during one of his trips to his country Iraq, as he was accused of leaking information to the Americans.
On further investigation, I discovered that Mr.Jack Farrer Powell amily wife and two sons died during the Gulf War in Iraq and was the reason why he did not declare any next of kin or relation in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank and did not leave any WILL.
This sum of US$12,000,000.00 have been floating and placed under dormant/unserviceable account by my bank management since no one have heard from the owner since 2003.I wish to let you know that all the investigation I have made so far, my bank management is not aware of it, I am the only one that have the information.
With the recent change of government in my country and with their efforts to support the United Nations incheckmating terrorism aid in the U.A. E. By end of this year, the government will pass a new financial control law which will give the government authority to interrogate account owners of above $5,000,000.00 to explain the source of the funds, making sure it is not for terrorism support. If I do not move this money out of the country immediately, by end of the year the government will definitely confiscate the money, because my bank cannot provide the account owner to explain the source of the money.
I cannot directly transfer out this money without the help of a foreigner and that is why I am contacting you for an assistance. As the Account Officer to late jack farrer powell , coupled with my present position and status in the bank as Head of Retail Banking Group ,
I have the power to influence the release of the funds to any foreigner that comes up as the next of kin to the account, with the correct information concerning the account, which I shall give you. All documents to enable you claim this fund will be carefully worked out and there is practically no risk involved, the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law, beside U. A. E is porous and anything goes.
If you accept to work with me, I want you to state how you wish us to share the funds in percentage, so that both parties will be satisfied. If you are interested contact me as soon as you receive this message so we can go over the details.
Thanking you in advance and may God bless you. Please, treat with utmost confidentiality . I shall send you copy of the deposit certificate issued to Al Nasser when the deposit was made for your perusal. I wait your urgent response at my confidential email id at (monaalrashdi@rediffmail.com)
Mr.Mona Al Rashdi.
Fraud Letter #4:
From: Mr Peter W Clark [mailto:petclarkjustice@live.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:32 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Please Read This Message For Your Intrest
Hello my dear,
I have a strong believe that this mail will find you by the grace of God. I do not know you in person and not quite sure of the correctness of your Tel/Fax number that I have here for me to ascertain your identity but one thing is for sure, I know how I got your electronic mail address with which I am using to communicate with you here and now.
However, my names are Mr Peter W Clark, and I am working with the nation’s apex bank; Accounting Unit/Telex department Central Bank of Nigeria. My main aim of writing you this letter is not to know you in person as I really do not have that interest in mind and would definitely not develop one for any personal issues as the case may be but should there arise any need for one, you will be contacted definitely.
My main reason for telling you this is based on my personal belief that we should be treated fairly as humans and not be cheated or deprived of what we should have and what belongs to us and also for the fact that I wouldn't want to be called for any explanation that would result in the information that I am going to give you below. I have this orientation that everybody, man or woman, boy or girl is my brother or sister irrespective of your nationality or background. The information I want to give to you here is about your contract/ funds inherittance payment in Nigeria. The payment is floating in our accounting records as unclaimed funds.
Currently now, there are ongoing payments to people that are aware of this information that I am giving to you here as you are reading this letter. This information is not gazette for public awareness. This exercise has been on going for sometime now and some unscrupulous officials of the bank have hijacked this exercise and have been diverting funds belonging to people to banks in Switzerland in which your payment is involved.
This was in connivance with, from the information I gathered, the secretary of probe panel and verification on contract and next of kin payment matters and the chairman of the committee and some other officials.
I found this information out in my present research and I called them to questioning but they tried to buy me over by offering me a percentage in share but because of my belief, I refused to join in their company to cheat. I want to inform you that your FUND INTEREST has accrued to the tune of $14.1million United States Dollars and was transferred into a Swiss account provided by a fake lawyer who portrayed himself as your lawyer. I must inform you that these officials are ALWAYS and STILL in communication with you so my best advice to you would be, STOP! every communication you have with them or must have built with them and please do not give them the reason for ceasing communication being that you are awaiting your transfer to enable us serve you better.
Since we have all evidence at hand, I hereby advise you to contact the authorized (C.B.N) security and finance company in Abuja whom are in control of your payment and the approved lawyer attached to the security and finance company in the name of Mr. Clement Orbed and explain everything to him as your file was sent to him on the 4th July, 2008 and when contacting the lawyer, you are required to quote your file reference number A010-2007. He is the final stone that breaks the camels back.
My advice to you based on this information is that you should boldly call Mr. Clement Orbed the lawyer at the security and finance company on his direct email Clementorbed.finance@gmail.com telephone number. He is the person in charge of all the legal clearances for this on-going payment exercise and asks him that he should help you in making sure your fund is paid to you immediately and do the changes to move your funds to your original account and follow his directives.
He might want to know how you got his direct email, you just insist on what you want him to do for you. Please, don’t quote me and I repeat, don’t quote me when doing so because it might jeopardize the whole essence of this information but insist that he should help you in making sure your payment is done, and for more clarification or to ensure him that you really know what you are saying, quote the following code number: FGN/PMG/CBN-X342XTW2004 under category “C”, that is your code (please this information is classified).
I believe that at the end of the day, he will ask you to forward your payment information and bank co-ordinates to him for his processes as he will direct you properly on how to follow up for your fund to be made to you without further stress. If you contact him, I will know because he must contact my office to confirm your records. So go ahead and call him now and don't be afraid of him or anybody, any person apart from him is definitely a fraud.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Peter W Clark.
E-mail , petclarkjustice@live.com
Phone) 234-803785702.
Fraud Letter #5:
From: BRITISH TOBACCO MEGA JACKPOT PROMOTION [mailto:brit_tobacco100@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:30 PM
406 Bury New Rd., Whitefield,
Manchester M457SXU.K.
We are pleased to inform you that you are one of the selected winners of the BRITISH TOBACCO MEGA JACKPOT PROMOTION held on 6th october 2008. Your email address attached to ticket number 9901-0148-790-698, with serial number 6109-17 drew the lucky numbers 990-11-815-37-10-73; the lottery was categorized into four zonal (Africa, America, Europe and Asia) stages. Consequently you have won the lottery in the 2nd category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of (FIVE MILLION) US dollars ($5,000,000.00USD)Credited to file REFERENCE NUMBER: 2008234522 BATCH NUMBER:MFI/07/APA-43658.Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your account. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program.
Please contact the clearing house (through your claims agent only) the body assigned with the verification of all emergent winner. Therefore all protocols laid down by them must be followed to facilitate your claims; CONTACT Details:
Email; tobaccoinfoverification2008@jmail.co.za
20 Lausanne Road London,
You to provide the claim agent with the under listed information as soon as possible:
1. NAME IN FULL:.......
2. ADDRESS:.....................................
3. NATIONALITY:.................................
4. AGE:.........................................
5. OCCUPATION:..................................
6. PHONE/FAX:...................................
7.COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE..........................
For processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account of your choice.Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than the 13th October ,2008.All funds not claimed on or before the fixed date will be returned as unclaimed. NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications,please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in all correspondences with this office. Furthermore, should there be any change of your address, do inform us as soon as possible Congratulations again from all our staffs and thank you for being part of our Promotions program.
Fraud Letter #6:
From: Mrs. Carolyn Spicer [mailto:carolynspicer@sympatico.ca]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: From Mrs. Carolyn Spicer, Please Indicate Your Position
Dear Sir/Madam,
From: Mrs. Carolyn Spicer,
I am the above named person married to late Dr. Ransome Spicer who worked with the British embassy in France for over nine years before his death after a brief illness that lasted for only four days in June 18th, 2004 at exactly 14.00hrs. We were married for eleven years without a child. My late husband deposited his life earnings valued at US$5.6m (Five million, six hundred thousand Dollars) in two trunk boxes as a valuable family treasure with First National Securities, a finance/security company based in London before his death for safe keeping.
On 22nd September, 2008, my Doctors diagnosed and told me that I would not last for the next three months due to breast cancer that has ravaged my life for a long time. Having known my health condition, I decided to will this fund to an individual who will use this money to fund orphanages, widows, churches and mosques by propagating the word of God.
I took this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit this money. Secondly, my late husbands relatives are ungodly, rascals and violent. I will never consider handing over this money to them because I know it will not be well utilized. Thirdly, I don’t want my husbands labour in his lifetime to be in vain because that was what he has always desired.
Please let me know if you can honestly and in all sincerity handle this fund for the purpose I have stated above by furnishing me with Your full Names, Telephone number, Full contact address and means of identification. These items will be submitted to the security company to effect a change in the beneficiary information in your favour and authorise them to release the fund to you. Other information will be communicated to you on recept of your response. Please let me know your position.
Remain Blessed,
Mrs. Carolyn Spicer,
Fraud Letter #7:
From: Mr Frank Garry. [mailto:info.mail26@aliceadsl.fr]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 6:25 PM
Dear Friend,
I have Paid the fee for your Cheque Draft.but the manager of Continental Bank Benin told me that before the check will get to you that it will expire.So i told him to cash $2.500,000.00 all the necessary arrangement of delivering the $2.500,000.00 in cash was made with DHL GLOBAL COMPANY. This in the information they need to delivery your package to you.
TEl:====+229-93 241 289
EMAIL: (dhl_c_c_cotonou_benin_republic@live.fr)
Please, Send them your contacts information to able them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your BOX .This is what they need from you.
Try to contact them as soon as possible to avoid mistake on the delivery.I gave them your delivering address but you have to reconfirm it to them again to avoid any mistake in the delivering including with your ID or Picture.Hoping to hear from you as soon as you receive the package box contains $2.5MILLION .
Note.The DHL GLOBAL COMPANY don't know the contents of the Box.I registered it as a Box of an Africa cloths. They don't know it contents $2.5MILLION. don't let them know that is money that is in that package Box.
Thanks and God bless you and your family.
Mr Frank Garry.
Fraud Letter #8:
From: Intercontinental Bank PLC [mailto:ebere@patriot-autoglass.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 3:05 PM
Subject: Attention Beneficiary!
I am Dr. (Mrs.) Toyin Phillips, the manager foreign operation remittance Department of Intercontinental Bank Plc (IBN).
This is to bring to your notice that INTERCONTINENTAL BANK OF NIGERIA PLC has Taking over all the money Transaction originated From any part of African and Europe countries as Contract payment, Fund inheritance due to authorized/incapability of financial Institutions/security companies in releasing such huge sum of money due to Fraud, terrorist and money Laundry activities going on world wide.
The World Bank Group has mandated the Intercontinental Bank Plc to release funds to beneficiaries through our (ONLINE BANK TO BANK TRANSFER SYSTEM), hence Your Name appears as one of the fund beneficiaries whom their fund was successfully cleared recently from Terrorist and Money laundry and your money will be released to you through our ONLINE BANK TO BANK TRANSFER SYSTEM that is The only way you would receive your money to avoid paying excess charges.
You are requiring to provide the below information:
Your Full Name:
Your Full Residence Address:
Your Direct Telephone Number:
As regards to this arrangement, you are advised to contact the ONLINE BANK TO BANK TRANSFER SYSTEM director Dr. Erastus B. O. Akingbola through his direct email; info_ibplc@strompost.com to EDUCATE you further on how to receive your fund into your bank Account.
Therefore be aware that your fund has obtained all the clearance to be released to you.
Finally, respond to this mail immediately including the above required information.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. (Mrs.) Toyin Phillips
Intercontinental Bank of Nigeria Plc (IBN).
Fraud Letter #9:
From: Dr.Sule Gidado [mailto:cataniarealty@bellnet.ca]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 10:36 PM
To: info@business.com
Subject: Nigerian Petroleum Corporation
I am Dr.Sule Gidado,Head Accounts Department **NIGERIAN NATIONAL
PETROLEUM CORPORATION**.I am making this consultation on behalf of my
colleagues as we are seeking for a formidable foreign
company/partnership for the final transfer of our total amount of
$35,250,000.00USD out of the shores of our country Nigeria.
If interested Please forward to us your following details:
1.Your Names In Full
2.Contact Address
3.Company Name/Position Held
4.Telephone/Cell Numbers
5.Fax Number
Yours Sincerely,
EMAIL: nnpc.contract1@vista.aero
Fraud Letter #10:
From:Martins Flower [mailto:info@martins.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 4:10 AM
Subject: From The Desk Of, Mr.Martins Flower Head of Operations.
From The Desk Of,
Mr. Martins Flower
Head of Operations.
African Development Group
Dear Friend,
I am delighted to contact you on a private note based on your funds claim, which was re-deposited in African Development Bank Group Nigeria and has been programmed for transfer into your designated bank account through my department. I apologize to you for the delay in releasing these funds into your account, which was caused by me because of breach of agreement between your so-called partners and me.
They agreed that they would give me the sum of US$200,000 (CASH) on my acceptance to assist them transfer the funds into your account. As I made some fruitful efforts on the business and demanded my US$200,000.00 as agreed. Your partners deviated from the agreement and decided to outsmart me and go through the International Remittance Department - IRD, not knowing that the IRD is under my control. I got the knowledge of their evil plans and proved their efforts abortive. That was why you may have been pursing this payment, spending unnecessary funds to some fraudulent individuals and impostors who claimed to be in charge.
I am also aware that they now contact you and parade themselves as staffs and managements of various banks, some even claim to be Barristers of different kinds and some also go as far as claim to be me Dr. David George. They are all deceiving them selves and will not be able to get the funds out the African Development Bank Group ADB as far as I am concerned. I henceforth advice you to suspend any dealings from any group of person(s) either from this bank or any other financial institution / parastatals in Nigeria, any part of Africa or overseas. And on no account must you let them know of my contact with you. The fund, which you are the rightful beneficiary, is still floating in your names in ADB and under my control, waiting for a proper documentation and claim. Now with my whole heart I .
2. You will assure me of keeping my dealings with you to an utmost secrecy because of my position in the government.
3. You will promise to remit 30% of the total funds to me as soon as the fund gets into your account with a written promissory note signed by you. Thanks for adhering to this instruction. As soon as you receive this email,Get Back To me Via My email :flowermartins@gmail.com
I await your favorable response for more details.
God bless you.
Mr. Martins Flower.
Head of Operations.
African Development Bank Group (ADB)
Fraud Letter #11:
From:Fortune Sweepstakes [mailto:moore33@cox.net]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 5:42 PM
Subject: Award Winner
Your email has won the entire sum of $250,000 as one of our 10Th year anniversary winner. for claim and more infomation contact
Mr. Mcmoore Adams Email:fortunesweepstakess@live.co.uk
Fraud Letter #12:
From:Barrister Catherine [mailto:ah3275@bristowgroup.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:13 PM
Hello Friend,
When God speaks, it would surely come to reality. I received God and knowing the truth ,i understand that the truth have set me free. Having known the truth, I had no choice than to do what is lawful and right in the sight of God for eternal life .. I have the pleasure to share my testimony with you, I am Barrister Catherine Levett ,i am from UK(UNITED KINGDOM), i am the legal adviser to late Mr and Mrs Elizabeth Chapman , a Russian couple that lived in my Country UK for 25 years before they died in plane crash. They were good Christians, They were so Dedicated to God, but they had no child until their death.
Throughout their stay in my country in United Kingdom here , they acquired a lot of properties like Lands, house properties, etc. As their legal adviser, before their death, they Instructed me to write their WILL. Because they had no child, they dedicated all their wealth to God and the needy in the society . According to the WILL, the properties have to be sold and 40 percent of the money will be given out to the person who will manage and utilize this money very well for his own personal use ,then the remaining 60 percent will be given to the same person so he will use it for the ministry that will spread the works of God, and for the upkeep of widows, widowers, orphans, destitute, the down-trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially. As Their legal adviser, all the documents for the Properties were in my care. In short, I sold all the properties after their death, as they instructed and as matter of fact, after I sold all their properties, I realized MORE THAN Twenty million, five hundred thousand US Dollars ($20.500,000,00), what was supposed to be the percentage interest of my right legal fee was firstly deducted by me out of the total amount realized from the sold properties, this was based on the initial agreement between me and the owner of the
properties before their death. Therefore the total amount left for the person that will manage the money and the money to be invested into God's work as instructed by the owner is Eighteen million, five hundred thousand US Dollars ($18.500,000,00) only.
But Instead of giving the FUND OUT as instructed to me by the owner before their death, I converted the fund to myself with the intention of investing the fund abroad for my personal use. I was afraid of putting the fund in the Bank, because I had to give account to the bank on how I got the money. I then packaged the fund in consignments and deposited the consignments with a security company. I did not want the management of the Security Company to know the content of the consignments; therefore I registered the content of the consignments as Gold Bars. I had an encounter with God when Rev. Billy Graham was preaching on television concerning Ananas and Sapphires who told lies when they were told to bring money ,so that lives of people will be saved in Acts 5:1-11. After hearing the word of God, I gave my life to God and became a born again Christian. As a born again Christian, I started reading my bible and one day, the God opened my eyes to Ezekiel 33: 18 and 19 where the word of God says: "When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby". I have asked God for forgiveness and I know that God has forgiven me. But I have to do what is lawful and right in the sight of God by giving out the fund to the chosen ministry for the purpose of God's work and needy people all over the world, as instructed by the owner before her death. After my fasting and prayers, I asked God to make his choice and direct me to a honest Person but after my fervent prayer over it, then you were nominated to me through divine revelation from God, to contact you ,for you to take 40 percent of the funds of Eighteen million, five hundred thousand US Dollars ($18.500,000,00)for yourself , and then to use wisely the remaining 60 percent of the same money for the works of helping the underpriviledged in the society. . I have notified the Security Company where I deposited the consignments that contained the fund that I am moving the consignment abroad, and the security company has since been waiting for my authority , so that the consignment will leave my country and move to abroad. You should forward to me your full name ,mailing contact address , telephone and fax number for easy communication and to fax you the documents concerning the consignments. Prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Yours in God .
Barrister Catherine Levett
Fraud Letter #13:
From:DR.Chris Moore [mailto:dr.chrismoore@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 12:26 AM
Subject: Contact Mr Lulu Mensah,western union department for your payment
Attn My Dear
Now we have arranged your payment of ($2.5millions) Two millions five hundred thousand united state dollars in atm payment card to be sent to you through western union money transfer payment:
Your payment will sending to you by western union, the amount you will receive per day is $7,150.USD.The minister trust funds of Benin Republic will send you the currently standards track details you need to pick up your ($7,150.USD) payment by western union, you will receive every day till you receive the $2.5millions united state dollars, now no need to send you this atm card because you can not be able to withdraw the atm card due to the atm master card contain large money on it.
The director administrtor trust funds have already signed your payment, now you are free to comply with wemaco payment office on this email: (financialbankplc_benin@inMail24.com)
However, kindly contact the below person who is in position to release your payment by western union per $7,150.USD a day.
Mr Lulu Mensah,western union department
Financial Bank Benin,
Mobile: +22993864162
E-mail: (financialbankplc_benin@inMail24.com)
The financial western union payment canter has been mandated to issue out your payment and you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment.Note that the administrator payment need this details from you to process your payment:
Receiver name:-----------------
City Address:--------------------------------------
Attach copy of your identification:...........................
Test question:--------------------
Comply now because as soon as you sent this required details to Mr Lulu Mensah he will start sending your payment by western unionRegards to you and your family ,Thanks and be bless .
DR.Chris Moore
Fraud Letter #14:
From:Mrs Darlene Grace [mailto:alain.gourion@wanadoo.fr]
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:37 AM
Subject: I am Mrs. Darlene Grace, I am a US citizen, 48 years Old!
Dear Friend,
I am Mrs. Darlene Grace, I am a US citizen, 48 years Old. I reside here in New Braunfels Texas. My residential address is as follows. 108 Crockett Court. Apt 303, New Braunfels Texas, United States.
I am one of those that executed a contract in Nigeria years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over $520,000 trying to get my payment all to no avail.
So I decided to travel down to Nigeria with all my contract documents, And I was directed to meet Barrister Michael Chilo Esq who is based in Bangkok Thailand the journey was so stressful because i have to embark on another journey to far away Asia Thailand,Barrister Michael is the member of FOREIGN CONTRACT
AWARD COMMITTEE, and I contacted him and he explained everything to me.
He said that those contacting us through emails are fake. Then he took me to the paying bank in Bangkok Thailand, which is Siam Commercial Bank, and I am the happiest woman on this earth because I have received my contract funds of $17 Million USD. Moreover, Barrister Michael Chilo Esq, showed me the full information of those that have not received their payment,and I saw your name as the beneficiary, and your email address/Telephone number and your contract amount,This is what you have to do now.You have to contact him direct on this information below.
His Name: Barrister Michael Chilo Esq
Phone: +66870411288
Office Address: 112 Silom Road Soi Pranakan,
Bangkok Thailand.
You really have to stop your dealing with those contacting you okay, because they will dry you up until you have nothing to eat especially Nigerians that's why they moved the paying bank and contract award office down to Asia to avoid hitch from Nigerians. The only money I paid was just $520 for IRS permit, which you know, So you have to take note of that.
Thank You and Be Blessed.
Mrs. Darlene Grace.
Fraud Letter #15:
From:Federal Bureau Of Investigation [mailto:robertmueller@fbi.org]
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:26 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Federal Bureau Of Investigation. ( Your ATM-CARD Is Ready )
Anti-Terrorist and International Fraud Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
Seattle, Washington.
Telephone Number : (206)-201-2749.
This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an Investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that your ATM-CARD is currently with the (G.P.S.) Global Postal Service in Nigeria.
We have ordered the Federal Government of Nigeria to contact FedEx, Dhl, Ups, First Bank, Zenith Bank and other firms to release the bank draft and Atm cards to the GPS (Regular Mail Service), So that they can be mailed out to the rightful owners, because there are too many complains/Rip Off Report coming to the desk of Federal Bureau Of Investigation that people are not getting their Instrument to cash their funds and gratuity, e.g people are not getting their Bank Draft and Atm Cards due to the fact that people are not meeting up with the required demands and amount imposed by some of this delivery companies, firms and other sectors and constant require of fees that are too much for people to handle or pay.
We have completed this investigation and we have verified the entire transaction to be Safe and 100% risk free, due to the fact that we have been assured that your ATM CARD will be delivered to you once your Full Name and Address is confirmed. Delivery of your ATM-CARD is free!!! You only need to pay $95 for insurance only.
Therefore, you are instructed to contact the Global Postal Service with the Information below:
Full Name: - Mr. Richard Oscar.
Valid Contact: - globalpostalservice9@gmail.com
Tel # +234-7025-9828-94.
You will be required to e-mail him with your information such as:
FBI Director.
Robert Mueller.
NOTE: In order to ensure your ATM-CARDS gets delivered to you ASAP, you are advised to immediately contact Mr. Richard Oscar via contact information provided above.
Fraud Letter #16:
From: Mrs Helen George [mailto:contbe@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 5:22 PM
Good Day.
This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility.
I am Mrs Helen Georgeand I am a 61 years old woman. I am a South African married to a Sierra Leonia. I was the President/CEO of CON OIL INTERNATIONAL-an oil servicing company in Johannesburg. I was also married with no child. My husband died 3years ago.
Before this happened my business and concern for making money was all I was living for and I never really cared about other people. But since the loss of my Husband and also because I had have no child to call my own, I have found a new desire to assist the helpless, I have been helping orphans in orphanages/motherless homes/humanitarians. I have donated some money to orphans in Sudan, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Spain, Austria, Germany and some Asian countries.
IN SUMMARY:- I have 12,000,000.00(twelve million) U.S.Dollars which I deposited in a security company in Cotonou Benin republic as a family treasure & artifiarts,please I want you to note that the security company does not know the real on tent to be money and I want you to assist me in claiming the consignment & distributing the money to charity Organizations, agree to reward you with part of the money for your Assistance, kindness and participation in this Godly project.Before I Became ill, I kept $12 Million in a long-term deposit in a security Company which I declared as a family treasure & artifiarts.I am in the Hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for oesophageal cancer and My doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity organizations.
Because my relatives and friends have plundered so much of my wealth since My illness, I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them. Please, I beg you in the name of God to Help me collect the $12 Million which I deposit with the name of my late Husband as the next of kin because now due to my health the security Company is demanding for a next of kin in other to get the money Transferred in other to see that my last wish is accomplished which is Sharing the money among charity organizations. You are at liberty to use your discretion to distribute the money and feel free as well to reimburse yourself when you have the money for any expenses in distributing the money to charity organizations. I am willing to reward you for your assistance and kindness.
Kindly expedite action and contact me via email at. mrshelenge2@gmail.com for more details.
May the good Lord bless you and your family?
Best Regards.
Mrs Helen George
N:B: Plaese try to my private email address: mrshelenge2@gmail.com
Fraud Letter #17:
From: Ramin Tadius [mailto:ram_tad001@yahoo.com.hk]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:51 PM
Subject: Testament
Dear Beloved,
I came across your contact via international personal research profile in my earnest search for a trustworthy and honest person to handle my business and I apologize if the content hereunder are contrary to your moral ethics, but I had to reach you through this medium.
As you read this, I do not want you to feel sorry for me; because, I believe everyone will die someday. my name is Mr. Ramin Tadius a merchant in Tunis - Tunisia. I have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer.
It has defied all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts.
I have not particularly live my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous; I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for.
But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it.
Now that I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends.
I want Our creator to be merciful to me and also accept my soul,hence, I have decided to give alms to charity organizations and less privilledged Homes accross the world, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth.
I want to believe that you will be capable of handling this task for me.
Thank you
Ramin Tadius
Fraud Letter #18:
From: BRITISH TOBACCO PROMOTIONS [mailto:info@britishtobacco.org]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:22 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
406 Bury New Rd., Whitefield,
Manchester M457SXU.K.
ELECTRONIC MAIL AWARD PROMOTION.; We are pleased to inform you that you are one of the selected winners of the BRITISH TOBACCO MEGA JACKPOT PROMOTION held on 28th october 2008. Your email address attached to ticket number 9901-0148-790-698, with serial number 6109-17 drew the lucky numbers 990-11-815-37-10-73; the lottery was categorized into four zonal (Africa, America, Europe and Asia) stages.
Consequently you have won the lottery in the 2nd category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of (FIVE MILLION) US dollars ($5,000,000.00USD)Credited to file REFERENCE NUMBER: 2008234522 BATCH NUMBER:MFI/07/APA-43658.Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your account. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program.
Please contact the clearing house (through your claims agent only) the body assigned with the verification of all emergent winner. Therefore all protocols laid down by them must be followed to facilitate your claims;
CONTACT Details:
Email; tobaccoinfoverification2008@jmail.co.za
20 Lausanne Road London,
You to provide the claim agent with the under listed information as soon as possible:
1. NAME IN FULL:.......
2. ADDRESS:.....................................
3. NATIONALITY:.................................
4. AGE:.........................................
5. OCCUPATION:..................................
6. PHONE/FAX:...................................
7.COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE..........................
For processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account of your choice.Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than the 6th November ,2008.All funds not claimed on or before the fixed date will be returned as unclaimed. NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications,please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in all correspondences with this office. Furthermore, should there be any change of your address, do inform us as soon as possible Congratulations again from all our staffs and thank you for being part of our Promotions program.
Fraud Letter #19:
From: UK NATIONAL LOTTERY ONLINE [mailto:info@lottery.co.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 6:38 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
The National Lottery,
P O Box 1010,
(Customer Services)
We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer balloting held on the 2nd November, 2008. This is a Scientific Computer Game in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users; Meaning, you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it.
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 74454774 with Serial number 144-66584 drew the lucky numbers: 5-21-23-34-61-72 (Bonus ball)which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category.
You havetherefore been approved to claim a total sum of £516,778.00 (Five hundred and Sixteen thousand,seven hundred and seventy eight pounds sterling only) equivalent to $921,201:00 USD (Nine Hundred and twenty one thousand,two hundred and one Dollars only)
All participants were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Eight hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually. This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies to promote the use of internet around the world.
To claim your winning fund Please contact your fiduciary agent below for more details with the
following details
Name: MR.Craig Darwing
Email: paydept88@live.co.uk
1. Full Names:
2. Address:
3. Age:
4. Sex:
5. Marital Status:
6. Occupation:
7. Phone numbers:
8. Nationality:
9. Country of Residence:
Name: MR.Craig Darwing
Email: paydept88@live.co.uk
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs.Lucy Baines
Online Co-ordinator.
Fraud Letter #20:
From: HAMMOND KLEEN [mailto:hammond.kleen@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 4:51 AM
Subject: Deal to be executed. [Scanned]
Your Attn,
Compliments of the season and good day.I am Hammond Kleen, the system and control director at the NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK,i am writing this letter to solicit for support and assistance from you to carry out this business opportunity in my bank.
Lying in an inactive account is the sum of Three Million Pounds sterling(3,000,000:00GBPS) belonging to a foreign customer(Sperber Thomas) who was a gas consultant here in UK.He happened to be deceased during a business trip with his wife(Sperber Julie) on board the Swissair Flight 111 , which crashed into the Atlantic off Nova Scotia in september 2nd 1998.
Info of this crash was on the news which we have tried to notify his relatives but to no avail,see links below for more detailed information:
Ever since he died the bank has been expecting his next of kin to come and claim these fund which cannot be released unless someone applies for it as next of kin, as indicated in our banking guidelines.Unfortunately he has no family member in UK or Over-sea who are aware of the existence of the money.
At this juncture i have decided to do business with you by soliciting your assistance in applying as the next of kin to the bank then the money will be released to you,as i do not want the money to go into the bank treasury as an unclaimed bill,because the banking laws and guidelines stipulates that if such money(s) remains unclaimed for a period of eleven years(11yrs),the money will be moved into the bank treasury as an unclaimed bill.
My request for a foreigner as next of kin is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a British cannot stand as next of kin.
50% of the money will be your share as a foreign partner and your assistance to actualise this business,thereafter i will visit your country with your help once the money hits your account for disbursement according to the percentage indicated.
To effect the immediate transfer of the fund to you as agreed,you must apply first to the bank as the next of kin to the deceased,then we will follow up all formalities for the transaction.
Upon receipt of your reply, i will send to you, the text of application you are to send to the bank,and further clearify you in other issues as to effect this business.
Awaiting to hear from you urgently.
Best Regards
Hammond Kleen.
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