I got a nice picture of Luxmi, a hindu goddess of wealth, in my email.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Happy Moment of Happiness
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Celine Dion's - I'm Alive
Celine Dion's very popular hit song -I'm Alive- is the second hit single from the album "A New Day Has Come". It was released on August 12, 2002. The song was written and produced by Kristian Lundin and Andreas Carlsson.
Mmmmm, Mmmmmmmmmmmm
I get wings to fly
Oh, oh, I'm alive...
When you call on me
When I hear you breathe
I get wings to fly
I feel that I’m alive
When you look at me
I can touch the sky
I know that I’m alive
Mmmmm Ohhhhh
When you bless the day
I just drift away
All my worries die
I’m glad that I’m alive
You’ve set my heart on fire
Filled me with love
Made me a woman
On clouds above
I couldn’t get much higher
My spirit takes flight
Cause I am alive
(When you call on me)
When you call on me
(When I hear you breathe)
When I hear you breathe
(I get wings to fly)
I feel that I’m alive
I am alive
(When you reach for me)
When you reach for me
(Raising spirits high)
God knows that
That I’ll be the one
Standing by
Through good and
Through trying times
And it’s only begun
I can’t wait for the
Rest of my life
(When you call on me)
When you call on me
(When you reach for me)
When you reach for me
I get wings to fly
I feel that I'm alive
(When you bless the day)
When you bless, you bless the day
(I just drift away)
I just drift away
(All my worries die)
I know that I’m alive
I get wings to fly
God knows that I’m alive
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
KLPT test result
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bagalamukhi Yentra
Baglamukhi devi also known as Valgamukhi or Bagulamukhi mean yellow or crane faced goddess. Baglamukhi is the ultimate weapon to destroy the enemies. Baglamukhi is the super power which paralyses the evil forces. Bagalmukhi devi is the helper of the Parbramha and the controller of the speech, movement and knowledge.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
नटुटेको भ्रमको पत्थर
[I have a 4.5 mm stone in my right kidney. I guess this article is useful for all the patients having kidney stone. So, I have copied and pasted already published article (without permission) by Dr. Premraj Gwawali. My apology for pasting here without author/publisher's permission.]
मिर्गौलामा हुने पत्थरीबारे धेरैमा भ्रम छ र यसमा कतिपय चिकित्सक र स्वास्थ्यकर्मीहरूको पनि हात छ।
आम जनमानसमा मिर्गौलामा हुने पत्थर औषधिले गाल्छ, गहतको झोलले पगाल्छ, बियर धेरै पिएमा निस्किन्छ, अपरेसन (चिरफार) गरेर ननिकाले फेरि पलाउँछ भन्ने भ्रम छ। बिरामी, तिनका आफन्त वा जान्ने-सुन्ने हरूले फैलाउने यस्ता भ्रममा चिकित्सक र स्वास्थ्यकर्मीले पनि बल पुर्याएका छन्। पिसाबरोग विशेषज्ञ युरोलजिष्ट बाहेकका कतिपय चिकित्सकहरू सोझ्ै चिरफार गर्ने या औषधि दिने गर्दछन् भने युरोलजिष्टमध्ये पनि उपचारका पछिल्ला विधि र प्रविधि नजान्ने वा प्रयोग नगर्ने केहीले आफूले गर्ने उपचार मात्रै ठीक र अरूको काम नलाग्ने भनेर भ्रममा पार्दछन्। औषधि दिनेमा आयुर्वेद, होमियोप्याथी आदि परम्परागत औषधि-उपचार गर्नेहरू पनि छन्।
मिर्गौलाको पत्थरीलाई कुनै औषधि, खाद्य वा पेयले गाल्दैन। यो जसरी निकाले पनि पाँच वर्षमा ५० प्रतिशत र २० वर्षमा ८० प्रतिशत बिरामीलाई फेरि हुनसक्छ। मिर्गौलाको पत्थरको उपचार त्यसको आकार, बनोट, स्थान र त्यसले मिर्गौलामा पार्ने असरमा भर पर्दछ। मिर्गौला र यसबाट पिसाब थैलीमा आउने नली यूरेटर मा हुने पत्थर ५ मिमिभन्दा सानो छ भने ९५ प्रतिशतको पाँच हप्ताभित्र आफैं निस्केर जानसक्छ। यस्तो पत्थरलाई केही नदुख्ने औषधि र प्रशस्त पानी वा झोल खाएर उफ्रिएमा पिसाबले धकेलेर निकाल्न सक्छ। पत्थरी भएका बिरामीले त्यसै पनि २४ घण्टामा दुई लिटरभन्दा बढी पिसाब हुनेगरी पानी वा झ्ोल पिउनुपर्दछ। गहत र बियरले पनि उही झ्ोल पदार्थले जति मात्रै काम गर्ने हो। गहतको झोल त हानिकारक नहुनाले जति पनि पिउन सकिएला, तर बियर त्यसरी पिउनुअघि त्यसले गर्ने अरू हानिबारे सचेत हुनुपर्छ।
पिसाबबाट आफैं निस्किन नसक्ने पाँच मिमिभन्दा ठूलो आकारका पत्थरले धेरै दुखाउने र छिटै मिर्गौला बिगार्न सक्ने हुनाले मिर्गौलाभित्र र युरेटरको माथिल्लो भागमा हुने त्यस्तो पत्थरलाई विशेष प्रकारको प्रविधि र मेशिनले फुटाएर निकालिन्छ। यसो गर्दा पत्थरको आकार १.५ सेमिभन्दा सानो छ भने बिरामीलाई अस्पताल भर्ना समेत नगरी शरीर बाहिरैबाट फोर्न सकिने इएसडब्लयूएल प्रविधिबाट सानो-सानो टुक्रा पारेर पिसाबबाट निकालिन्छ। पत्थर १.५ सेमिभन्दा ठूलो छ भने अस्पतालमा दुई-तीन दिन राखेर पीसीएनएल भन्ने प्रविधिबाट कोखाको पछाडिपट्टि करिब एक सेमिको प्वाल बनाई मिर्गौला भित्र पठाइने मेशिनको सहायताले फुटाएर बाहिर निकालिन्छ। युरेटरको तल्लो भागमा हुने पत्थरलाई चाहिँ पिसाब निस्किने प्राकृतिक बाटोबाट कुनै घाउ नपारी टेलिस्कोप छिराएर फुटाई त्यही उपकरण वा पिसाबबाट बाहिर निकालिन्छ।
मिर्गौलामा हुने पत्थर बाहिरबाटै वा शरीरमा सानो प्वाल मात्रै पारेर फुटाई निकाल्न सकिने भएकोले हिजोआज अपरेसन भन्दा यही उपचार विधि बढी चल्न थालेको छ। तर नेपालमा सरकारी अस्पतालमध्ये त्रिवि शिक्षण अस्पतालमा मात्रै भर्खरै शुरु भएको यो उपचार सेवा त्यति व्यापक हुनसकेको छैन। केही निजी अस्पतालले रु.३० हजारसम्ममा गर्ने यो उपचार सामान्य अपरेसनमा हुने खर्च (रु.२० हजार) भन्दा केही महङ्गो अवश्य छ; तर अपरेसनपछि ठीक हुन महिना दिन पूरा आराम गर्नुपर्ने, यसबाट ८-१० दिनमै स्वस्थ भएर सामान्य जीवनमा फर्किन सकिने हुनाले अन्ततः कमै खर्चिलो हुनजान्छ।
मिर्गौलाको पत्थर धेरै मानिसमा फेरि बन्न सक्ने भएकोले पनि सम्भव भएसम्म चिरफार नगरी निकाल्नु राम्रो मानिन्छ।
मिर्गौलाको पत्थरी शताब्दियौंदेखि मानिसहरूमा हुँदै आएको रोग हो। अचानक पेट दुखेर अस्पतालका आकस्मिक कक्षमा आउने बिरामीमध्ये १०-१५ प्रतिशतमा यो भेटिन्छ। पत्थरी भएको मिर्गौलाले शरीरमा जम्मा हुने बढी पानी र अन्य अनावश्यक पदार्थलाई राम्रोसँग सफा गर्न सक्दैन, र त्यस्तो मिर्गौला आफैं कामै नलाग्नेसम्म हुनसक्छ। पत्थरीका कारण मिर्गौला बिग्रेको, डायलाइसिस वा प्रत्यारोपणजस्ता जटिल र अत्यन्त खर्चिला उपचारमा बस्नुपरेको वा सङ्क्रमण भएर बिरामीको ज्यानै गएको उदाहरण धेरै भेटिन्छन्।
सहप्राध्यापक-युरोलजिष्ट डा. ज्ञवाली त्रिवि शिक्षण अस्पताल तथा मेडिकेयर नेशनल हस्पिटलसँग सम्बद्ध छन्।
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Why does Snoop suppress the duplicate TCP acknowledgements it receives after retransmitting lost packets?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
108 Names of Bagalamukhi
Bagalamukhi is the Hindu Goddess of truth and deceit. She is one of the Mahavidyas, the wisdom Goddesses. She has the power to tell truth from lies, and to stun liars into silence. She is usually depicted dressed in yellow, seated on a golden throne, and surrounded by yellow lotuses. With one hand, she holds the tongue of a demon, and her other hand holds a club with which she will silence the demon. Bagalamukhi is called on by worshippers for success in stopping gossip, for victory in legal matters, and to undo the effects of black magic or the evil eye. Her name is also seen as Bagala, Bagla, or Baglamukhi, and her stotra of 108 names is as follows:
- Bagala (restrainer)
- Bagalamukhi (she who restrains the mouth)
- Bagalavasi (she who restrains speech)
- Vacamata (mother of speech)
- Mantramata (mother of mantra)
- Stambhani (paralyzer)
- Pranayami (restrainer of breath)
- Mudgaravini (she who holds the mace)
- Jivhaunmulayati (she who pulls out the tongue)
- Pitisurya (she who is yellow like the sun)
- Kanaki (she who is golden)
- Tejasurya (she who is resplendent like the sun)
- Hlima (the embodiment of the bija hlim)
- Asuraghni (she who slays asuras)
- Gambhiraghosi (she whose voice is profound)
- Vimochani (she who gives release)
- Mokshachani (she who gives liberation)
- Haima (golden)
- Raktasana (she who loves blood)
- Stambhanakarti (she who causes paralysis)
- Sudarshani (she who is pleasant to look upon)
- Jivhasthiti (she who is stationed on the tongue)
- Vashini (she who keeps persons under control)
- Saptavidya (the seventh wisdom)
- Mahanadi (she who has great sound)
- Vijaya (she who is victorious)
- Sarvamantravidya (she who knows all mantras)
- Amarsani (she who is angry)
- Krodhavani (she whose voice causes agitation)
- Hastathadamoksha (she who gives liberation from her hand)
- Damanadambha (she who suppresses arrogance)
- Bhogakara (she who enjoys pleasures)
- Unmattavesi (she who appears insane)
- Mahabala (she who is very strong)
- Tigmamanyu (fiercely angry)
- Niyantra (she who restrains)
- Sukhakara (she who causes joy)
- Madhusana (she who loves wine)
- Vihasa (she who laughs)
- Matta (she who is intoxicated)
- Akshakashama (she whose eyes are akasha)
- Jihvastambhini (she who paralyzes the tongue)
- Brahmarandhrapavartri (she who opens the brahmarandhra)
- Hriyantrini (she who has a yantra for a heart)
- Mahakalamukhi (she whose mouth is very black)
- Maunakarta (she who causes silence)
- Sambrahmi (she who is a furious and awesome attendant upon Shiva)
- Kriyapada (she whose words are actions)
- Kritabhayana (remover of fear)
- Bandhaki (she whose form is illusion)
- Simhanadi (she who makes a sound like a lion)
- Tryaksi (she who has three eyes)
- Rathakarti (chariot-maker)
- Ratnayoni (she whose yoni is a jewel)
- Devasuravaraprada (she who gives boons to gods and demons)
- Muktakesi (she whose hair is unbound)
- Gabhira (she who is somber and profound)
- Vyakaranodbhavi (originating from correct use of language)
- Gayatri (identical with the Gayatri-mantra)
- Mahanga (having great limbs)
- Pitamanirupa (she whose form is topaz)
- Mamsatti (meat-eater)
- Vara (she who is excellent)
- Nadipatya (belonging to sound)
- Pitaromana (she whose hair is yellow)
- Manamukha (she who measures the mouth)
- Balaha (she who is strong)
- Sukhambika (mother of pleasure)
- Yuddhambika (mother of war)
- Sunadikarta (maker of good sounds)
- Bhrantikaramardini (slayer of those who cause error and confusion)
- Hastastambhana (she who paralyzes the hand)
- Rudrani (she who wails)
- Vagaladi
- Adharata (she who is in the south)
- Krodhini (agitated)
- Vajrayani (she who has a thunderbolt)
- Manograhini (she who captivates the mind)
- Sumanohara (very captivating)
- Mantraprana (she whose breath is mantra)
- Smashani (she who dwells in the cremation ground)
- Palashasapaduka (she who wears sandals of Palasa wood)
- Katuravamukhi (frog-mouthed)
- Helakarta (she who causes hatred)
- Haritalani (she who loves yellow pigments)
- Kapalaprakshudi (she who crushes the skull)
- Aksharambika (mother of letters)
- Bhasmadatva (giver of sacred ashes)
- Yami (consort of Yama)
- Svajapa (she who commands that mantras be recited)
- Siddhaushadha (panacea)
- Shiva (auspicious)
- Durvacamardini (slayer of the demon Durvaca)
- Raktamkrita (she who is adorned with blood)
- Girnimata (mother of praise)
- Trilokamohani (she who stuns the three worlds)
- Nilakanthadharni (supporter of the blue-necked god)
- Vimada (sober)
- Suvarcasi (splendidly shining)
- Bhisha (she whose actions are frightening)
- Gamaki (she who clarifies and convinces)
- Anapayya (she who does not drink water)
- Rasavaca (the essence of speech)
- Anapahnava (she who does not conceal the truth)
- Abhivadya (she who is worthy of being saluted)
- Abhayada (bestower of fearlessness)
- Pretacarini (she who walks among ghosts)
- Sarvabhidha (all-hearing)